Do you feel ready to stay home alone, watch your brothers and sisters while your parents are gone, or babysit for younger children? Then maybe it’s time for Safe Sitter®. Safe Sitter® is for young teens in grades 6-8 who are ready to learn the skills they need to care for themselves and younger children.
In addition, Safe Sitter® teaches young teens life and business skills, so that they know how to be prepared, be responsible, and be considerate whether they are babysitting or doing odd jobs for family, friends, or neighbors.
You’ll have fun. You’ll learn a lot. And at the end of the day, you can proudly say, “I am a Safe Sitter®!”
Babysitting Classes Pacific County Fire District 1 is a registered Safe Sitter teaching site. The curriculum includes First Aid and CPR, behavior management, appropriate ways to entertain different age groups, and what to do in an emergency. Classes are planned twice each year to coordinate with the School District schedule: one during the Spring Break, and one at the start of Summer Vacation.
The Safe Sitter Babysitting Class is a 2-day class, which costs $25 per student